Friday, May 19, 2006


Rain, rain, go away...

Actually, I'm kind of enjoying the rain. Ludicrous maybe? Perhaps. But sometimes, you want the sky to reflect your mood...rather than impact it. I guess I feel a bit gray, a bit drab, a bit cloudy. It's one of those days when I just want to huddle in a ball on my couch and close my mind. Probably not the best way to start the day at 8:30am but I suppose I'll reserve my right to do so for later.

I'm sad I missed all the flooding and all the rain. I like looking out and seeing a monotony of gray color, an indication that this is real life. It washes away all that is seemingly perfect, all the fake sunny pleasantries and replaces it with a different kind of idyllic sentiment.

I hope it keeps keeps on rainin'. =)

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