Wednesday, May 24, 2006

At Least It's a Small One...

Ugh. I'm so tired this morning. Too early to wake and too late to bed.

So yesterday morning, we all met at Hudson Diner for breakfast. We're happily eating our omelettes and then suddenly I saw out of my peripheral vision a mouse scrambling across the room! I pointed and shrieked, "Oh my God, there's a mouse!" We all turned and then a guy in the booth next to us shrugged in amusement, "Eh, at least it's a small one!"

Everyone then turned back to their breakfasts as if nothing at all had happened. Only in NYC where the rats outnumber the people is this a daily occurrence. In any other city, they would be shutting down the place for health code violations. But oh no, in NYC, it's like, "eh, so what?"


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