Friday, May 05, 2006


So I went to the mall tonight, walked around and had din din with my friend. I said "let's go get some fro-yo." So I pick chocolate (of course) plus coffee frozen yogurt. He, on the other hand, got a flavor called "fluffernutter." Innocently enough, it's really just marshmallows and loads of peanut butter. But I could not get over the name. Now, if that ain't X-rated ice cream, I don't know what is. Frankly, unless you're over 18, I don't think you should be able to order up a cup o' fluffernutter. I was thinking...that's a great pseudonym for someone in a certain profession. But alas, since I am not affliated with anyone in that line of work...the name may just go to waste. Unless...I hereby dub my friend, "Fluffernutter." There you go.


Anonymous said...

jesus, i can't believe i'm a regular poster on this thing now...

"fluffernutter" has been around for ages since i was about 6 yrs old and refers to a sandwich of marshmellow "fluff" which you can get at any grocery and peanut butter. get your mind outta the gutter, you sick chick!!!!

Kosin said...

"Fluffernutter puts my mind in the gutter"...that has a ring to it! Hmmm...didn't know it's been around since the stone age!