Sunday, October 29, 2006


I'm reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. It's doing its job, transporting me to another world so that I can be throughly lost in it. I'm really tired of being in this one. Especially today.

I think I will read more. That's a good thing, right?

The novel is about a 14 year old girl; she narrates from heaven, having been murdered. It reminds me of when I was a girl...the little things that mattered. Like when my mom let me pick out my own outfit for school. Or having a younger sibling to play with and tickle. I miss my family. I miss living at home. But what I miss most is that feeling like there's a whole world to look forward to and explore. Like you knew you were going to be someone, like life offered you limitless choices. I don't mean to be depressing. But life today is not the same way. It's not full of hope and joy the way it is when you are young.

I'm really tired and I feel sick. I need some hot tea to cure my senses.

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