Monday, October 30, 2006

Missing Piece

Have you ever felt like a part of you was missing? Like you're just waiting for that last piece of the jigsaw puzzle to descend, suddenly present itself and "voila!" everything becomes complete and lucid? I've felt like this for the last two years. I'm not sure how much longer it'll be this way. There were fleeting times when something took its place and filled the gap just enough to distract me or at the very least, sustain me for a while. It's like a game. I search and search for something and then I'm ok for the time being. Yet, all the while knowing that this has to resolve itself. That this hole has to mend and that nothing will really fit until the rest of me grows into and out of it. I keep hoping that this is soon. Because I'm tired, really tired. It's a constant anxious expelling of energy, all misdirected. Like shooting stars. I keep thinking misdirection is better than penting it up. I think soon, all my energy will be gone and I only hope that some kind of sage and peaceful acceptance replaces it.

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