Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Yuck

I don't feel so great. I basically went out to Umbria last night and had a few too many drinks, threw up at the club, got kicked out and had to have someone else drive my car home. Apparently, when I kept saying - "no, I can't possibly have another, you don't know I'm a lightweight" people think I mean to say, "yes, please give me another shot...I'm just being polite!" So 2 shots and a mixed drink later, I was already blacking out on the couch and they were still trying to get me to dance. I was seriously begging for a time out. Anyways, as I was trying to make my way to the bathroom...I couldn't hold it in anymore and threw up in a corner. It was not a pleasant experience...I can't remember the last time I did that. I was profusely apologizing to my friend who I KNOW I got some vomit on. But she was being so gracious.

Anyways, I got home and it was THE BEST hot shower I've ever taken. Considering hiking through the rain storm, standing for 5 hours at the volunteer event, and then smelling of wretchedness...a well-deserved shower and bed was looking really good to me. Then of course, I couldn't sleep and kept drinking water for hours on end. I don't think I feel asleep till 8am. Whatever, I had fun. It was an interesting night to be out. Lots of doctors, SWAT team outfits, playboy bunnies, Flintstone characters, and an Asian Harry Potter were present. Umbria also had good music and I really haven't been clubbing in forever. I just gotta remember to offer up myself as the designated driver next time so that I can spare myself.

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