Monday, October 09, 2006


I had a rough weekend. I hit another car. I hadn't slept at all the night before and was in a daze. I knew not sleeping and driving was dangerous so I was trying to be extra careful. But then when I was at the Hess gas station, I let my guard down. Ugh. It was bad because the guy I hit accused me of trying to flee the scene. I got all indignant and started getting all defensive because he was screaming at me. But I apologized profusely and he let it go. I did scrape up his car pretty bad. I'm just glad I didn't get into a worse accident. I think the day that finally happens, I might completely freak out and lose it...that is, if I come out of it ok. Oh well, I almost had a clean record as I celebrated my 1 year driving anniversary, but what can you do?

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