Friday, October 27, 2006

Rain and Girls Don't Mix

Goodness, it looks so deceptively sunny outside. You really can't tell that a storm is brewing and heading our way. I really hope it doesn't ruin my plans. I'm supposed to go help out at a fundraising gala for the Asian Task Force tomorrow. It's a really great organization that helps Asian women in domestic violence situations. I've always wanted to do work with them ever since I saw flyers on the T and at the local clinic. So tomorrow, I'm doing the silent auction for them. I just found out that I have to stand for like 5 hours. Crap. That means comfy shoes for me. Well, really I would prefer to wear rain boots but that's not acceptable attire at the gala. Anyways, then there's a Halloween thing at Pure nightclub. I'm not sure how I'm going to dress for both and where I'm gonna park. Ugh! Oh well, I'm just gonna suck it up. When I said I'm not sure I'll make it to the club, my friend Charles was like, "yeah, I know how rain and girls don't mix!" ha. Well, that might be true -- but not this girl...well, at least not for tomorrow. =) I think perhaps tonight I'll just have a nice dinner and curl up with a good book.

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