Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Scent of Fall

Does fall have a scent? Most definitely. I stepped out for lunch and as I caught the first breeze, it struck me...this leafy autumn fragrance nestled in the brisk air. At once, I felt comforted that I was here. Strange. I was expecting to be greeted with cold cold air. I guess it's because it was one of those mornings when it's so hard to get up, you just want to drown in your heavy blanket and let the world pass you by.

Sometimes when I rise in the morning, I wish I could go outside and immediately be transported elsewhere. Perhaps a forest in my back yard so that I can take a walk in the woods daily. Really inhale the scent of the the trees and feel the branches crackling beneath my feet. Snuggled up in a thick fleece, the cold air against my face. I'd look up at the grey sky and be content.

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