Sunday, March 19, 2006

Ramblings of an Insomiac

It's 4:15 in the morning and I feel like rambling. I guess this is the cathartic part of keeping a blog. Just got back home, it was flurrying a damn cold and windy these days. Don't feel like doing much. Kinda wanna crawl into bed and hibernate. Sigh. I wish I can run away again and go on vacation somewhere. Not even vacation, just a mental and emotional escape I suppose. Maybe even live someone else's life for a while. Wouldn't that be nice? Live in someone else's shoes for a change? Perhaps I just need a different environment...that or a portal into the future; sometimes I wish I could fast forward my life by 5 years or so, even 10 years. They always say you're at top form when you're 40. That's when you've got everything together and you know exactly who you are and what you value. Life has a purpose and you've found all the magic in living it fully. Right now is all experimentation and figuring things out and stumbling around a lot. I suppose the key is to have more fun while you're doing it. I mean seriously, some people never stop. I guess as long as I'm incrementally wiser and the better for it, that's good enuff.


Anonymous said...

no way! no fast forwarding!! of course i'm curious as to where i'll be a few years from now (hec a month from now!).. but i'd definitely want to go through it and "enjoy" it ..and learn as well.

Kosin said...

Apparently you are an insomiac as well! I still wish I had a fast forward / rewind button. I mean, what's a few months???