Sunday, March 05, 2006

New Resolution

Ok, so it is already March (whew, time flies!) But I'm still going to make a new resolution. If I'm going to continue to live on the East Coast, this HAS to be a mandate. Two vacations per year. One short tropical beachy vacation required during the desolate Boston winter. One longer, far away - foreign --- meaning another continent, vacation that I can talk about with co-workers so I don't sound like some hick American who's never traveled before (no offense to Anda! hehe.) So there it is! I want to collect local artifacts (a.k.a. souvenirs) from local artists (people in 3rd world countries tryin' to make a livin') and display the stuff in my future house. I can let the decor outgrow my apartment before I outgrow my apartment. Each collectible will remind me of my travels and what I found interesting about the piece. Each will have a memory attached, or I hope it will...or it could be just, "it looked nice in the store!" ;) So in any case, I'm halfway there for 2006...still gotta plan the biggie trip tho. =)

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