Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Finicky FreedomTunes

I thought this was interesting. I guess globalization really does mean American companies have to play nice. They just don't play nice in their own backyard. Only when China and France step in do they all buckle.

iTunes to be rebranded "FreedomTunes" in France: The French are testing Steve Jobs' patience again. The French government has proposed a bill, known as the Author's Rights Law, that would require digital music merchants like Apple's iTunes to provide songs for sale in a digitized format that is compatible with all music players, rather than just their own, like the iPod. Parliamentary debate on the legislation is scheduled to end Thursday, with a vote to follow soon after. Should it be voted into law, Apple -- which has steadfastly refused to open up Fairplay (see "Actually, sir, on the "pigheadedness" issue, our polls show you ahead") -- will be forced to make a tough decision: peddle digital music files without the DRM scheme, or abandon the French version of the iTunes Music Store altogether.

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