Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Really solid business plan by Cleveland the Puppy -- "I'm Taking Cuddliness to a Whole New Level". See excerpt below.

You've played with other puppies, enjoyed scratching their little heads and rubbing their fuzzy-wuzzy tummies. Heck, you probably thought they were really cute. But what would you say to a cuddliness experience not 100, not 200, but 300 percent better? That's right, folks: I, Cleveland The Puppy, am taking cuddliness to a whole new level.

And how did I make this quantum leap in snuggliness? That's simple: The secret lies in my extraordinary five-point P.U.P.P.Y. plan. That stands for Pettability, Undying devotion, Positivity, Preciousness and—most important of all—You, the petter. In the Cleveland Cuddliness System, the petter is king. This revolutionary system, which promotes active involvement in the playing process, fosters a puppy-human play dynamic that virtually guarantees enjoyment and warmth.

A shout-out to J-town for bringing my attention to this plan. Tofie has since adopted it and made it his own -- the C.A.T. system -- Cherubic charm, Adorableness, and Totally pretty pussycat.


Anonymous said...

Jtown shouts you back out!!

Kosin said...

OMG, who's a dork too!