Monday, June 12, 2006

Boston Common Ducks

Phil and I just took a stroll through the Public Gardens after a nice French dinner at Beacon Hill Bistro. I can't say I've ever walked through the Commons after dark but it was really nice. We were both reminiscing about our Yankee days and how lousy and stressful it was. It's very cool to hang out with old friends. One thing we share is the love of eating duck. So we both had foie gras and duck tonight. Then we happened on some cute little ducks along the pond. I started cooing at them and he was like, "yea, you just ate one." I gave him a stern but guilty look and we moved on.

Beacon Hill is a cute lil' neighborhood to live in, especially on nice summer nights like this one. I think I'll miss some spots here and there just cuz' of different memories I've had. I'm sure I'll have one last hurrah at all of my fave restaurants before I head outta here.


Anonymous said...

"Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great."
-Comte DeBussy-Rabutin

I missed you and I always will whether you’re near or far. But it has always been comforting to know that you’re somewhere close by.

Kosin said...

Thank you for the thoughtful sentiment; I really appreciate it...