Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I Need Some Joe!

What's a girl gotta do to get a good cup o' joe around here?? I just can't seem to find good coffee.

I'm drinking Lavazza right now and it's just off. Maybe it's the drip filter or my really really old sugar. Perhaps I need to go back to my Bodum French press. I like seeing the swirl of oil on the black surface, signaling a taste of decadence awaiting me. Or maybe I need to just go back to drinking Dunkin Donuts. I do have some Greek coffee in the cupboard. Greek coffee is dark and yummy, with a coated yellow froth on top of the dark elixir. I was shocked to find out it was actually instant coffee. Weird.

What I wouldn't do right now for a rich, smooth dark roast with a hint of cream and sugar...hmmmm...


Anonymous said...

i miss nyc chinatown old-fashioned coffee.. iced vietnamese coffee's good too.

Kosin said...

Tell me about it! I hear the trick is condensed milk (not evaporated milk). The best is Century Cafe on Bowery! Love it!