Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I hate people that jump to conclusions and accuse others without fully knowing what they are talking about. I've had several similar experiences lately. For instance, I pay to subscribe to this newsletter but my credit card on Paypal expired. So I resubscribed and then the link to the newsletter didn't work. So I emailed them about my technical difficulties and this lady responds by telling me she thinks I'm just subscribing and cancelling to take advantage of their free 2 week offer. She's all "I do this for a living" and accuses me of taking advantage. Sure, I can see people doing shit like this. But c'mon, you just insulted a customer. It pissed me the hell off. What is wrong with people? It's like everyone assumes they know what I am thinking instead of giving me a chance to explain first. I'm getting really sick of it. It seems like everyone is too cynical these days. No one gives anyone the benefit of the doubt. It's sad. I think I deserve an apology. All I can say is, I don't get mad often and I'm stinking mad.

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