Sunday, April 09, 2006


Man, I feel like I'm finally doing all the things I never did before. Things I should have, experiences that I missed, all with an open-mindedness I didn't possess before. It's so liberating in a sense. It's as if I'm 18 again all over and looking at the world wide-eyed. Well, not so wide-eyed, maybe "open-eyed" (or something to that effect). Thursday night I was driving through Times Square at 4am in my own car and it was just surreal. Sure, it was something I should have done...might have done years ago, but the fact is that I didn't. Then last night, I stayed out all night -- had a great time -- feeling like I was my younger self, but somehow more grounded. It's as if I should have gone out every Saturday ages ago but did not. Well, I suppose time's a wastin' and to do all the things I've ever wanted to -- both the frivolous and the meaningful -- I'd better get crackin'.


Anonymous said...

Kosin, did you move back to NY? You’re not living in Quincy anymore?

Kosin said...

Hi "Anonymous,"
It's too complicated to explain here. Let me know when you would perhaps like to talk.