Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lost and Found

Man, I love that show "Lost"...sometimes it's just okay but when it's good, it's good. I love the backstory of Jin and Sun. So few shows and movies really depict Asian-Americans. But boy oh, boy do they make Korean guys look bad! Well, the culture is male-dominated and guys can be controlling and domineering over women. (I'm not talking about anyone in particular, so no offense Jerms!) Oh but when Jin is bad - it's not his fault! It's only because he loves Sun! How frustrating to watch! How addictive! Jin & Sun's story is actually really very sweet. I swear, one episode totally made me cry. Oh I'm being so sentimental...but how nice to be stranded on a deserted island so you're given a second chance to love each other right - away from the pressures of the real world. I wish they would do more episodes about them instead of the crazy crap about the hatch and the "others." The show has the potential to descend into X-files retardedness with obscure storylines no one can follow anymore. Eek! Well, just keep showing Jin and Sawyer shirtless on the beach and we're ok. ;)

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