Monday, January 16, 2006

Fun in the Sun...It's All Relative

This past weekend, I played beach volleyball on Redondo Beach in L.A. and then proceeded to go for a 3 mile run along the boardwalk. Ok, so I maybe only ran for a mile but playing v-ball in the sand with the wind gusting is hard! As the sun was setting, I was thinking..."wow, this is the life." Going to the beach in January and frolicking on the beach with your friends. I wish everyday were like that. Oh, but it is for some people! Only they don't know how great they have it. They become in point--as I walked into our Palo Alto offices today, a lady behind me walked up to the receptionist and said, "Whoa, it's cold out there! I'm glad I came in to warm up!" Mind you, it's like 50 degrees on a sunny day in the Bay Area. I'm thinkin', I can't believe I'll be couped up in an office all day!

I also enjoyed some comedy acts this weekend at the Laugh Factory. This one comedian was like, "Yes, people complain all the time about L.A. and say 'I like having seasons too much, I could never live in L.A.' Well, I like seasons too -- I just choose to live in a place where we skip all the shitty ones." Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahah!! yeah.. i was hoping i'd skip another winter in NYC.. .hopefully next year i'll be in LA. ;D