Monday, July 09, 2007


The best thing for insomnia is to write. Collect your angst and whatever tidbits that are tugging at your mind and deposit it all on a page. Damn, I missed writing on my blog. Good old blog...where I can say a lot of something or a lotta nuthin' at all.

I'm looking at Miso, chin-up...sleeping oblivious to the world. I'm jealous. Why can't I just close my eyes and BOOM...slumber?

I can't believe it's been 3 months since I've moved here. It seems twice as long. Maybe because I've been twice as "active". =) I dunno...something is still missing. I feel like I should be doing something more with my time though. I'm not sure what that is, whether it really is going to get my EMBA or something else more fulfilling...who knows? But I'd better figure it out soon. it's a week into turning 30. I think it was a whole lotta griping and worry over nothing. It was a very odd mental hurdle. As soon as I turned 30, I was ok with it. But the month leading up to it, I was fraught with anxiety.

I was reading my horoscope today and there was an interesting entry for Cancer:

We think we want so many things. We create wish-lists full of hope, dreams, desires and details. Yet, actually, we don't want anywhere near as much as we think we want. Indeed, when it really comes down to it, we all of us only ever want one thing. Wisdom. When we have that, we have everything else we require or, at least, we have the way to it... which amounts to the same thing.

I only wish I had the wisdom to know what things to take up and what to leave behind. What to bemoan and what to celebrate. All I know is that fast-forward a bunch of years and life's lessons will have hopefully imparted enough learnings to yield a good amount of that wisdom.

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