Wednesday, November 23, 2005

How to Experience the World

The great psychoanalyst, Carl Jung said that people experience the world in four ways:

- with their intellects;
- with their emotions;
- with their sensations;
- with their intuitions.

But how often do we really make decisions or act with the four in concert? How defensible are any of life's great choices when they are made with any one predominant influence? In what instances would reason trump feelings? When would relying on just raw emotions be justified? Don't we all say our emotions are based on intuition? But are they really? -- or are they clearly two separate ways of experiencing the world?

You know what it is? You know what it comes down to? Limited awareness. We make choices based on what limited awareness we have at any given time. So we have a lesser (or higher) degree of limited awareness of any of these four things.

In the end, who are we kidding? Only Jung can balance these. One can only hope to get through the day.

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