(What can I say? I like puns...)
Oh man, you've got to try Terra chips' Terra Blues. They are basically bluish-purple gourmet potato chips that are kettle-cooked to perfection. They have 40% less fat than regular chips, and have no transfat or cholesterol. And best of all, they are YUM with a nutty taste and are pretty to look at. I am totally hooked on these and have to restrain myself from finishing an entire bag all at once. I've only had purple potatoes up until now...I believe they serve them at Jae's with the tuna. I've always thought they had a certain depth to them. I wish other restaurants would use them more often in dishes...they really kick up the color scheme and add a bit more flavor than the blah Idaho potatoes of yester-year. Anyhoo, go buy yourself some...but leave some for me! =D
have you NEVER flown on JETBLUE?!?!? they serve them as snacks on that airline - jetBLUE = terra BLUE... sometimes, they even give you 2 bags. ;)
OMG!!! 2 BAGS!!! No, I've never flown Jetblue. Crap...what have I been missing out on????
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