Here's a pretty cool poem I read:
Snow GlobeIt’s winter in the tiny motel.
The man and woman lie down
naked and freezing. A blizzard
streaming on the television,
gloss of ice on the windows,
the bourbon a bottle of fire.
After love she licks
his cold sweat, trying to seal
herself into him.
Smoke from their cigarettes
rising, disappearing as they sink
into sleep. If I shake them
awake now they’ll tumble
from the white bed,
ashes swirling and searing
their skin. Already
my hands, numb from holding them,
begin their painful prickling.
Already I’m remembering
his breath on my face, hot
as an animal’s, his insistent tongue.
Better to let them
lie there, then. To let the chill
of the deep drifts bury them.
-Kim Addonizio